east coast ocean storm

Storm approaching Nahunt beach

At one of my showings a very nice older lady in her 80’s approached me and said you’re a cloud person aren’t you. I replied yes I am and thanks for noticing. The beauty of Landscape photography is you could photograph the same place everyday with so many different outcomes. When you finally nail a shot like this, you move on and never return. This Photograph was shot along the Massachusetts coast.

Rockport Mass

Rockport Mass bay of boats

I see the ocean as a repeated changing canvas; just take a look at my portfolio. The Rockport Harbor in Massachusetts is must see the next time you travel to the East Coast. Try the chowda and a local Ipa. I love how the clouds above the colorful sailboats look like smoke stacks. This image is called “Lazy Sunday” and available here.

Nahant Beach

Nahant Beach is located Northwest of Boston. A beautiful sunrise with some dancing clouds.  [pinterest-pro type=”pinit” pin_url=”http://papekphotography.com/nahant-beach/” pin_image_url=”http://www.papekphotography.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/ScottPapek1.jpg” pin_counter=”horizontal” pin_desc=”Nahant Beach photograph taken by Scott Papek.”]