Exploring color

We all love spring, right? Spring means better weather, outdoor activites and beautiful color.  For a couple weeks Nebraska lights up with  yellow wildflowers, purple and white trees. I find myself more and more looking at what’s in front of me and making it my own. The technique is placing your camera on a tripod , slow down the shutter speed and zoom in and out during the shot. Just like all long exposure shots you never know what you are going to get.

Tiburon Life


Thanks Tiburon life for the love.

Scott Papek has always been creative; he just wasn’t sure how to cultivate that creativity.  As a south Omaha native, he attended Assumption Grade School and graduated from Gross High School.  After graduation, Scott attended college on a part-time basis while he tried to figure out what to do with his life.

Scott says a defining moment for him was in 1991 when he bought a Pearl Jam cd.  That purchase totally changed his life and he made the decision to become a part of the music industry.  He began interning at 101.9, The Edge in Omaha and while that station went under, Scott’s career didn’t.  He landed gigs in Albuquerque, Phoenix, Los Angeles and San Diego.

While living in San Diego he worked as a Creative Services Director for a company that ran two radio stations.   In 2008, while the economy began to dive, the pressure for Scott became unbearable and he began looking for a creative outlet.  He bought a camera and got up at 5:00 AM every morning to take pictures of the ocean.  He admits that while his mind had no idea what to do, his soul did and after six months of daily photography, he took and amazing shot titled “La Jolla’s Temple” and his life was forever changed.

For Scott, photography is storytelling.  He explains that photography is a really competitive business.  Today, with IPhones and Instigrams, most people can make a picture look good, but Scott explains that photography isn’t about the latest and greatest gear or the camera you own, it is about telling a story.  “A camera doesn’t take a picture, a person takes a picture”, Scott says.  “I love to tell stories and I believe if you spend enough time with a person or landscape you can find beauty anywhere, anytime”.

Scott is a self-taught photographer.  His training consisted of being relentless and from failing.  While some people have difficulty with failure, Scott finds it inspiring and motivating.  He hates to lose and does not like to be told that he can’t do something.  Those words create a challenge for him.

Scott’s advice for his neighbors is to do what you love.  He says “if you’re working in a career you are not passionate about, STOP!  Thank you for sharing, Scott, we look forward to watching you continue in your journey.

Nature’s Art

                                              SCOTT PAPEK PRESENTS  “NATURE’S ART”

“Nature’s Art” is a limited edition of only 300 prints and captured in eastern Idaho October 22, 2012.

I  envisioned this shot 2 years ago and was finally able to bring my imagination to life with some luck and persistence. I would give anything in the world to be a painter but unfortunatley my brain and hands don’t understand the concept. When picking up a camera 5 years ago it made instant sense to me and has given me a way to paint in another format.
The technique is placing your camera on a tripod in portrait mode, slow down the shutter speed and move the camera up and down during the shot. Just like all long exposure shots you never know what you are going to get. You could say this image is very different from my other work but what’s inside me is all the same.      [pinterest-pro type=”pinit” pin_url=”http://papekphotography.com/natures-art/” pin_image_url=”http://www.papekphotography.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/naturesart.jpg” pin_counter=”horizontal” pin_desc=”Veritcle Abstract by Scott Papek Photography”]

Tranquil #1 and #2

                                                                                                              Tranquil #1

[pinterest-pro type=”pinit” pin_url=”http://papekphotography.com/tranquil-1-and-2″ pin_image_url=”http://www.papekphotography.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/tranquil1.jpg” pin_counter=”horizontal” pin_desc=”The Gorge Oregon susnset during wildfires image by Scott Papek Photography”]

                                                                                                          Tranquil #2 [pinterest-pro type=”pinit” pin_url=”papekphotography.com/tranquil-1-and-2/” pin_image_url=”http://www.papekphotography.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/tranquil2.jpg” pin_counter=”horizontal” pin_desc=”The Gorge Oregon image capturing the beautiful colors by Scott Papek Photography.”]

Scott Papek is releasing two Limited Edition prints, Tranquility #1 and Tranquility #2.  Both images were captured in Oregon on the Mission Gorge at the same location 15 minutes apart.  Not only do you get amazing sunsets this time of year, but throw in some haze from the wildfires and it becomes unpredictable and quite frankly, unbelievable.  I’ve never released two prints from the same scene but maybe with the twins on the way I’m used to buying everything double now.  Then again maybe my wife, Julie, and I couldn’t agree on one.  I hope you enjoy these as much as I do.  Mother Nature is queen and I thank her for creating beauty every minute of every day.