Ocean Art

Scott Papek releases: Seabed La Jolla Shoreline, San Diego, California

It has been said that the best art is created from pain. I never followed that path. My art comes from things I seek. When I first started this journey, photography provided a path to escape a stressful, energy-draining job and stay creative. While on this chosen path, I learned much about myself, ultimately transforming my life forever. Although time continues to go by, the feeling has never changed. Photography is my safe spot, and the place where I feel most at home. To buy ocean art please click here

Perfect Harmony

I was listing to music and going through my six years of work, when I came across this image.  It was one of those days where you feel like the universe is working against you.  I had been working on my seasonal gallery all day with my designer and nothing was flowing.  This image has everything that inspires me; the ocean, the breeze, the moment, the smell and most importantly, the sound of the stream working perfectly with the subtle ocean waves.  This image reflects perfect harmony.  It inspired me and helped me find perspective on a challenging day.  I hope it does the same for you.  Click here to view the full image:

Upcoming Events:

  • Nov 15th – Dec 31st the Seasonal Gallery will be open.  Located on the 2nd level, next to Greenberg Diamonds and across from Pac Sun.  The gallery is coming along nicely.  I’m very excited to be opening it soon.

Thank you for being a part of my journey!

If you’re in Omaha, please stop by the gallery to support this (SOB) South Omaha Boy.

Exploring color

We all love spring, right? Spring means better weather, outdoor activites and beautiful color.  For a couple weeks Nebraska lights up with  yellow wildflowers, purple and white trees. I find myself more and more looking at what’s in front of me and making it my own. The technique is placing your camera on a tripod , slow down the shutter speed and zoom in and out during the shot. Just like all long exposure shots you never know what you are going to get.

Artist Reception with Scott Papek

Come meet Scott and enjoy free food and beverages May 11th in downtown Omaha at the Hot Shops Art Center. Scott will also reveal 3 new limited edition prints.