
Interior Design and Human Behavior


Do you think of interior design as a science or an art? Well, it might be a quiet difficult question; but in fact a combination of both. Interior design can be defined as an applied art where creativity skills and technical knowledge provide solutions. These solutions are applied to achieve a more convenient habitat.

Interior design provides answers that are both functional and attractive and enhance the quality of life. Interior design reflects and interacts with the cultural background and traditional heritage of the occupants.

The design process itself runs through a systematic and interactive methodology to create an innovative and functional design solution whereby the needs and resources of the occupants are satisfied.

To achieve a well designed environment many elements contribute together thus innovating the overall theme e.g. color, light, texture…etc. interior design provides solutions for residential, commercial, educational, healthcare, office and hospitality projects consequently affecting our daily way of living or in other words; our behavior.

However interior design leans on our cultural heritage, yet it still can directly or indirectly shape our behavior and definitely it influences our reactions. For instance a room painted in red feels warm than another painted in blue! However it’s the same environment but the color which is an important design element has altered our behavior and way of thinking. The same color itself can trigger different emotions depending on its reference to either symbolic or psychological functions considering the linkages that vary with time, place and cultural background. While white color is worn at weddings and may represent purity, sterility, virginity and peace for some nations, it was the color worn at funerals for others during certain periods in history.

Another noteworthy proof of how interior design can affect our behavior is light! It has to be customized according to the function performed by the occupants. That major element can ensure and highlight a certain frame of mind! For example in a work environment an inadequate light amount would cause annoyance and discomfort. On the contrary you would enjoy a nice dinner or a romantic movie on a dimmed light.

I do believe that the relation between mass and space creates the greatest impact on human behavior. Minimalism where the work is stripped down to its most fundamental features and the subject is reduced to its necessary elements was an approach for better living environments. A cluttered habitat is definitely irritating while fine organized minimal but yet function environments promote serenity and comfort. A good design coordinating mass and space can elevate the sense of creativity and innovation.

Again cultural variations transform occupant’s vision to surrounding space. For instance a minimal designed interior seems less and for some nations less reflects poverty.

The influence of interior design on human behavior is apparent while working for instance on educational projects like nurseries where children experience a phase of mind shaping. Color, light and texture integrate together to encourage creativity. Safety is another dimension that could be enhanced.

From my point of view a global standard design code for interior environments is not applicable since occupants respond in a different way in accordance with several factors such as cultural background, social heritage or climate conditions. Interior design could effectively develop the quality of life in accordance with formerly mentioned factors; focusing on the basics of creating an ideal habitat for living.

Source by Mohamed M. Khalifa

Tips on Framing Black and White Photography

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Black and white photographs have remained popular since their inception roughly 150 years ago. The ability of black and white images to fit many decorating styles has contributed to their increased popularity. As such, people have become more open to alternative, more sophisticated framing designs for these items.

How to best frame a black and white photograph is a subject for much conjecture. Plain and simple to take nothing from the art, or more ornate to complement the subject matter? Add colour in the frame design to help draw the eye to the picture, or stick with a rigid two-tone approach to ensure dramatic elegance?

So where does that leave us? Well to be honest somewhere in the middle. The fact is that there is as much variety in black and white photography as in any other art form. Think of it this way, if we asked everyone to dress in the same way the look would suit a few but be terrible for most. However, there are some simple rules and techniques you should keep in mind when framing black and white photographs.

– Some framers believe a pristine white mount is best for all black and white images, on the basis that it does not detract from the picture itself. However, for pictures with a white focal point, a pristine white mount can be too bright and will compete with the image for attention.

– Another common mistake is to try to ‘lighten’ dark art by surrounding it with a light mount. In reality, a light mount border causes the dark colours in the photo to look even darker.

– Mounts should be black, white or grey. Any other colour adds an element that isn’t present in the picture. If you have a customer who insists on a colourful mount, a common suggestion is to go for a white mat with a small accent of colour as a second mount. However, this accent actually pulls the eye away from the photo. A better solution is to use the colour as the predominant top mount and place the accent of black or grey below it to work as a transition into the photo. With all that colour surrounding the photo it isolates the image, in affect, drawing attention to it.

– When it comes to the moulding, consider the era, style and location of the photograph. As in framing any art piece, each frame must enhance the style and mood of the photograph itself. Many framers believe you should stick to a narrow, basic frame for black and white photographs, but this may not co-ordinate with the subject of the photo. For example, a picture of an ornate piece of architecture may look better with a more classical moulding design.

– Elongation is often a good treatment for portrait photographs, images with vertical subjects or strong vertical lines. By making the top and bottom borders wider, it dramatises all those vertical elements.

– A mountslip which matches the moulding can create a strong, classic outline around the photograph. This helps pull the viewer’s attention in from the frame to focus on the picture. Mountslips can also help enhance the customised appearance of the design, adding character and perceived value.

When any item is framed properly the frame design should add a sense of value to the finished product. So a good frame design will help a mediocre shot look good and an unimaginative framing job will bring even the best picture to the level of a cheap poster.

Remember, just because the subject lacks colour doesn’t mean the framing should lack imagination.

For more help or to discuss any of the points raised above please do not hesitate to contact us or visit us in person.


Source by Mark William Johnson