Kennebunkport Maine

There are several reasons why Maine is a dream location for Scott. Its diverse landscape offers natural beauty that includes mountains, rivers, lakes, streams, and the Atlantic Ocean. On a recent photographic journey, Scott was returning from a 4:43 a.m. ocean sunrise when he drove through Kennebunkport and noticed three boats in the distance. Once he found the perfect spot to shoot, he became mesmerized by the boats and their reflections in the glass-like water. As the boats slowly drifted in different directions, they continuously offered different perspectives. Blessed with a low tide and calm seas, Scott spent two hours capturing a moment he will never forget

The Drift is a limited edition of 15 images and can be viewed here.

The Good Life in Florida Keys

Scott Papek Releases “THE GOOD LIFE”

Throughout his travels around the world, Scott has met many interesting people who, through introspective conversations, eventually lead him to beautiful locations in their community. This image captures Bob’s boats from Islamorada Island in the Florida Keys. Bob has been residing on the water for fifteen years, has three girlfriends, and loves beer. Scott says that Bob never had to tell him any of the above facts because it was so easy to read in his eyes that he had a passion for life that was not only addictive, but also contagious. Please click here for sizing and mounting options.

San Diego

“America’s Finest Evening” is one of my babies from my portfolio. This area in La Jolla is where I taught myself how to photograph. It’s being donated to a fantastic charity that offers support to grieving children and their caregivers. We like to work with charities, so keep us in mind if you’re ever looking for donations.

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