La Jolla Point

La Jolla Hangout

Scott Papek Fine Art releases, “La Jolla Point”

San Diego California. Limited edition of 300.

La Jolla (pronounced La Hoya) is my favorite place to shoot holding my attention along a few miles of coastline for four years. As my training grounds, this atmosphere became the savior to my soul inspiring my transition from 15 years in the music industry. You would think shooting in a specific area for so long would amount to a portfolio of images. Less than 20 emerged as I learned to balance the spirit of this majestic yet powerful coastline with patience toward perfection. I am not referring to technical perfection, rather a perfect representation of the true and enduring spirit of this American surf for you to enjoy for a lifetime. For more info please click here.


Made in The Usa

MadeintheusaWhile searching for a shot in Virginia, I about ran off the gravel road when I came across this barn. Mother Nature was doing her thing with the beautiful clouds while I was getting my camera in place. You could feel the pride with this old barn as it displayed the American Flag. For more information view here.